Plastic Mythbusters - Update - Press release - 25th November 2024

Which claims about plastic are really true?

Hereon and partners continue to separate myths from solid evidence on plastic in the environment

Today, the global community starts the fifth round of negotiations on a global plastics agreement in Busan, South Korea, under the auspices of the United Nations. Together with international partners, researchers from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon are providing an update to their web quiz “Plastic Mythbusters”, which subjects common claims about plastic and microplastics to a fact check. The quiz allows users to check their assumptions and find out about the current state of scientific knowledge. The “Plastic Mythbusters” quiz is part of the Hereon's Coastal Pollution Toolbox, the knowledge hub and information platform for decision-makers and scientists manageing the emerging issue of plastic pollution in coastal areas.

MB Update Background

Photo: Plastic at the beach (Photo by Kateryna Kukoa on iStocks)

It is important that the negotiation of a global plastics agreement is based on evident based and well-researched facts. Science can make an important contribution to the progress and success of negotiations through its scientific findings in rapidly developing areas. The state of science is constantly changing and it is therefore important that the Plastic Mythbusters Quiz is also continuously developed and updated. For this reason, the existing facts and myths were subjected to a new review by international scientific experts.

In addition, two new statements have been added to the quiz, which have become particularly relevant in recent times. These are of particular interest to science and also pose specific challenges. The fact checks get to the bottom of two pressing questions, firstly, whether cleaning methods for the oceans are an effective way of combating plastic pollution and, secondly, whether microorganisms can break down plastic and thus eliminate pollution?

New fact checks on ocean cleanups and plastic degradation by microorganisms

Landing Page MB Update

Landing Page Plastic Mythbusters Update (Photo: Nuture on iStock)

The Institute of Coastal Environmental Chemistry at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon is delivering this update of the Mythbusters quiz, as it did the first version in 2023, in collaboration with the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. Detailed fact checks and background information were used as the basis for the two new topics. The resulting tools and articles are now available online in English on the Coastal Pollution Toolbox (CPT), a project of the UN Ocean Decade.

In addition to the quiz, the detailed checks have also been adapted and supplemented. All existing and new facts have been cross-checked thoroughly by experts. These researchers all work on the topic of plastic in the environment and reviewed the myths and facts based on the latest available scientific evidence. The INC process description has also been updated. Visitors can now test their knowledge of plastics again with the online quiz. Which statements circulating virally in the media and in public discourse are really true? Which ones are uncertain or lack any scientific basis? Of course, the aim is not to downplay the problem of plastic in the environment. On the contrary: Dispelling myths is an important step towards realistic solutions to this global environmental problem.

Further information

Website Plastic Mythbusters


Prof Ralf Ebinghaus I Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon I Institute of coastal environmental chemistry I T: +49 (0) 4152 87-2354 I I

Christoph Wöhrle I Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon I Communication and Media
T: +49 (0)4152 87-1648 I I